Most Wanted Renovations for 2021 are out! Are you itching to move or just would like to make some changes to your existing home? You aren’t alone! Hi im Kimmy Rolph with Berkshire Hathaway Fox and Roach and all my clients are itching for change. I compiled the top renovations for 2021 on The Main Line that I see from buyers and sellers.
Renovation 1 The Bathroom Sanctuary, whether you are a bath lover, or you just would like some peace and quiet, the bath sanctuary renovation is very popular. Adding windows to bring nature in, remodeling with marble, and luxury heated floors are all very popular upgrades right now. Renovation 2 is the home gym. Did you hear the saying that after 2020 you come out either a hunk a chunk or a drunk? Well, the home gym ensures the former. Many people are turning space into gyms from outdoor concepts to remodeling garages or basements, bringing us to our third renovation. The Basement renovation is a hugely popular renovation, whether you turn it into a rec room for kids or a media room, or a home office. All usable space is being repurposed in 2021. Last but definitely not least is the home office with multifunction. A lot of people are not able to find homes with an extra bedroom but can find some extra living space that is flexible. The home office is a nonnegotiable lately, and we see this renovation as super practical and super popular. Tune into our youtube channel and we have a whole video on it!
Whether the walls need to be repainted or changed altogether, and I have buyers lining up for new homes and cannot find sellers! Did you enjoy Most Wanted Renovations for 2021? Visit our Youtube Trends Playlist! If you have thought about selling in the past 5 years or would like to sell in the next five years, I strongly urge you to get a comparative market analysis below and try to sell in today’s market, with mortgage rates so advantageous to buyers and inventory constricted, you will get what your home is worth and more. Contact me today, Kimmy Rolph Sells The Main Line and Local Areas.