Best Schools on The Main Line PA Radnor School District

Best Schools on The Main Line PA Radnor School District is part of a 3 part series for those relocating to The Main Line PA. What are the school scores for the Radnor PA Communities? It’s a question we get asked often. I understand, raising my kids in a great community was important to me while selecting a home for them to grow up in. Also, being a mom is my other job other than real estate, school scores are very important to me. That is part of the reason why I moved back to the Main Line, for its amazing high rated schools in all of Pennsylvania. Radnor High School which is the school assigned to the district, encompasses all or parts of the towns of Radnor, Wayne, Villanova, Bryn Mawr, Rosemont, Saint Davids and Newtown Square and has a school score of 8, it is also ranked as number 1 in Best School Districts in Pennsylvania. One of my kids went here and we loved Radnor. It has a Student-Teacher Ratio of 13:1 , and has above average test scores.

 The Middle School is Radnor Middle School and Radnor Elementary School which is ranked number 7 in all of Pennsylvania. Other elementary schools on The Main Line are Wayne Elementary School, ranked #3 in Best Public Elementary Schools in Pennsylvania and Ithan Elementary School is #1 in Best Public Elementary Schools in Pennsylvania. Keep in mind that there are incredible private schools and boarding schools in the Northeast that start in middle school and high school, so if you are thinking private school, I also can give you that information. 

Something to consider when purchasing a home is to look at what the school scores are in the area that you are buying. The Test Score Rating measures schools on academic proficiency, using performance on state tests across grades and subjects, compared to other schools in the state, to produce a 1-10 rating for each school. A study by the Brookings Institution found that housing costs tend to be

higher in areas where high-scoring schools are located. The study, which looked at the 100 largest metro areas in the country, found an average difference of $205,000 in home prices between houses near high-performing and low-performing schools. We care about our community and are experts on the area we live in, so if you have any questions about the area, give me a call! Kimmy Rolph sells The Main Line and local areas.

🔝Top Main Line PA School Guide: 🏫Radnor District with Realtor Kimmy Rolph

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